Appliance Glass
Appliance Glass Grinding Coolant is the life blood of your appliance glass manufacturing process. Properly filtering and separating appliance glass grinding coolant so you deliver clean grinding coolant at the right flow and pressure is very important to produce predictable grinding wheel / belt / drill life, as well as the best edge quality and to deliver to your customer (or furnace) the highest quality part possible.
See Video of How the CentraSep S-Series Works in Situations with Multiple Fabrication Machines
See How the CentraSep S-Series Compares to Settling Tank Systems (PDF file)
See How the CentraSep S-Series Compares to Candle Filters

The first CentraSep® centrifuge installed was a glass swarf / glass grinding coolant filtration and separation centrifuge in 2000 on a glass grinding line. Since that time, the CentraSep centrifuge has become the preferred solution for filtering and separating glass grinding coolant and is considered part of the “Best Practices” of the leading appliance glass fabrication facilities across the globe. Today, there are CentraSep glass grinding coolant filtration and separation systems in 18 countries, and Trucent offers custom turnkey appliance glass grinding coolant filtration packages for rapid installation, that deliver simplicity, performance and reliability unrivaled in the filtration and separation industry.
While the competitive landscape of the appliance glass manufacturing industry continues to change, an effective appliance glass grinding coolant filtration and separation solution can provide a competitive edge and dramatically and positively impact your bottom line. Our experienced and dedicated team of engineers, technicians and manufacturing personnel understand the appliance glass grinding coolant filtration and separation industry, and they will work with your team to develop a process improvement centrifuge solution that decreases your costs and increases your profit.
The CentraSep centrifuge is the proven leader in appliance glass grinding coolant filtration. Since 1981, CentraSep centrifuges have been used in solving problems through application engineering. Nowhere is this problem-solving approach more apparent than with our centrifuge systems, which were created after listening to customer challenges and needs in regards to their filtration, separation, and maintenance issues. CentraSep centrifuges can offer you savings in labor expenses, filter media purchasing, inventory and disposal fees, and coolant replacement. Contact us today to see how a CentraSep centrifuge can help you with your appliance glass grinding coolant filtration application.
Benefits of the CentraSep Appliance Glass Grinding Coolant Filtration Systems include:
- Reduced Coolant Consumption and Increased Coolant Life (up to 800% longer)
- Fully Automatic Operation
- Standard 316 Stainless Construction
- Increased Line Speed
- Extended Wheel Life
- Extended Drill Life
- Superior and Consistent Edge Quality
- No damaging Flocculent or complicated chemistry required
- Low Energy Requirement
- Lowest Maintenance in the Industry
- Reduced Pollution and Environment Impact
- LIFETIME WARRANTY option available
CentraSep is more than a centrifuge. It represents the experience, innovation, and commitment of a comprehensive Filtration Engineering Solutions Company.
Talk to one of our Trucent Engineers today to see how we can help with your appliance glass grinding coolant filtration and separation needs.
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