Home > DAF Sludge Dewatering
DAF Sludge Dewatering
Dissolved air flotation or DAF sludge dewatering and filtering systems are used in a variety of industries and applications to remove suspended solids, fats, oils and greases from a variety of wastewaters. DAF systems work by injecting bubbles into a waste stream, which attach to solids so they will float to the surface, where they can be skimmed off. While DAF systems are effective, the mess and disposal costs to eliminate the solids skimmed off of the fluid can be significant.

Trucent can help with all types of DAF sludge dewatering and filtration. As the proven leader in sludge filtration, CentraSep® centrifuges have been used in solving problems through application engineering. The CentraSep DAF filtration system drastically reduces the regular maintenance needed for typical applications of this type. By properly filtering DAF sludge from your process fluid, you can maintain cleaner fluid, reduce the need for purging and reduce chemical adders / additives, and maintain dependable production by eliminating manufacturing and operations downtime.
The first CentraSep DAF sludge filtration system was installed in 1999. Since that time, the CentraSep centrifuge has become the preferred solution for DAF sludge filtering and dewatering and is considered part of the “Best Practices” of facilities around the globe.
Contact us today to see how a CentraSep centrifuge can help you with your DAF sludge dewatering and filtration application.
Benefits of the CentraSep DAF Sludge Dewatering and Filtration System:
- No disposal media paper
- Fully automatic system
- Lowest maintenance in the industry
- Reduced labor
- Maximized fluid life
- Reduced pollution and environmental impact
- Solid separation to the single micron capabilities
- Standard 316 stainless steel construction
- LIFETIME WARRANTY option available
CentraSep is more than a centrifuge. It represents the experience, innovation, and commitment of a comprehensive Filtration Engineering Solutions Company.
Talk to one of our Trucent Engineers today to see how we can help with your DAF sludge dewatering and filtration needs.
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