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Water Wash / Curtain Paint Booth
Water Wash / Water Curtain Paint Booths are used in production line spray painting. The water used in water wash / water curtain paint booths requires paint separation and filtration, because it collects paint particulates from the overspray.
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Without good paint booth water filtration, water wash / water curtain paint booths must be cleaned and purged weekly for proper operation, even under the best maintenance conditions.

The CentraSep® centrifuge offers a water wash / water curtain paint booth filtration system that drastically reduces the regular maintenance needed. By properly filtering and separating paint sludge from your water wash / water curtain paint booth, you can maintain cleaner fluid, reduce the need for purging chemicals, and maintain dependable production by eliminating manufacturing downtime.
The first Centrasep water wash / water curtain paint booth filtration and separation centrifuge was installed in 2000. Since that time, the CentraSep centrifuge has become the preferred solution for filtering and separating water wash / water curtain paint booth sludge, and is considered part of the “Best Practices” of many production line spray painting facilities. CentraSep centrifuges can offer you savings in labor expenses, filter media purchasing, inventory and disposal fees, and water replacement.
The CentraSep centrifuge is the proven leader in water wash / water curtain paint booth filtration. Since 1981, CentraSep centrifuges have been used in solving problems through application engineering. Nowhere is this problem-solving approach more apparent than with our centrifuge systems, which were developed after listening to customer challenges and needs with the filtration, separation, and maintenance issues involving water wash / water curtain paint booth water. Contact us today to see how a CentraSep centrifuge can help you with your water wash / water curtain paint booth water filtration application.
Benefits of the CentraSep Water Wash / Water Curtain Paint Booth Water Filtration System include:
- No Disposable Media Paper
- Fully Automatic System
- Lowest Maintenance in the Industry
- Reduced labor
- Maximized Fluid Life
- Reduced Pollution and Environmental Impact
- Solid Separation to the Single Micron Capabilities
- Standard 316 Stainless Steel Construction
- LIFETIME WARRANTY option available
CentraSep is more than a centrifuge. It represents the experience, innovation, and commitment of a comprehensive Filtration Engineering Solutions Company.
Talk to one of our Trucent Engineers today to see how we can help with your water wash / water curtain paint booth water filtration and separation needs.
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